Artist: Marc Magpili
Title: Intertwining
Medium: Sculpting Clay with Acrylic Paint, 3.5" x 2.6" x 2.2"
Intertwining is an additive, non-representational sculpture composed of geometric shapes and sharp lines and angles intending to show the feeling of being near or together with someone that is significant to oneself through the movement and eventual entanglement of the angled pillars. 

The artist began work by making a prototype which was less geometric and more organic looking rather than sleek, which is what the artist was aiming for. Due to it being his first time working with sculpting clay, he had troubles discovering the proper techniques in order to create a smoother shape to make the geometric pillars. 

The sculpture was done by the additive technique of modelling, wherein the artist sculpted around a base with armature wire serving as the foundation for the two pillars. Using tools such as palette knives, pliers, and rulers, the artist was able to create two intertwining, geometric pillars which was then painted on with silver acrylic paint.

Intertwining was inspired by the feeling of being close with someone and being able to feel their touch. The separation of the pillars at the bottom seek to show the journey before being able to be with someone, whereas the moment of intertwining at the top shows the rewarding feeling it is to be able to finally feel that person's touch and/or presence.

This work aims to give light to long distance relationships; that even though you may not be able to see or hold one another for a long time, the feeling you get when you finally do is very rewarding. Just like the process of this sculpture, it may be tedious or tiresome, but eventually, it will feel euphoric once you've managed to do so.



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